Remake screenshot(s) Afterburner (Master Burner) remake screenshotAfterburner (Master Burner) remake screenshotAfterburner (Master Burner) remake screenshot

Afterburner (Master Burner)

A remake of the classic game Afterburner, which was released in the eighties by Sega. The remake is called Master Burner. A special bonus awaits those who manage to score more than 5 million points.

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After Burner was one of the first 3D perspective flying shooters. Instead of the regular side scrolling you would actually hover behind the plane while steering. The engine resembles Space Harrier a lot. 

While the gameplay is similar to After Burner, this remake has a fairy as main character instead of a fighter plane. If that doesn't bother you, then enjoy this arcade classic!

Original screenshot
Afterburner (Master Burner) original screenshot
Original released for
Sega Master System
Commodore Amiga
Atari ST
Amstrad CPC

Original release date
Back in 1987

Original developer

Remake author
Project Touhouages

3505 unique downloads

Gameplay video (Afterburner (Master Burner))
Your vote: Currently rated: 2.2 / 5 stars by 27 gamers.