Remake screenshot(s) Cybernoid 3 remake screenshotCybernoid 3 remake screenshotCybernoid 3 remake screenshot

Cybernoid 3

Cybernoid 3 actually doesn't exist as a real classic title. However this remake of sequel-remake of the Cybernoid game is true to the original game series. SpaceTime Games really did an oustanding job recreating the Cybernoid game for Windows PC. If you have enjoyed it on your Atari, Amstrad, Amiga, C64 or Speccy, make sure to download and play this remake.

free download

The original game has music by the award winning composer Jeroen Tel and this Windows PC remake has some uptempo dance tracks that fit the game well. Ofcourse the graphics a much more modern in this PC version, but the gameplay has remained the same.

Excellent work by the SpaceTime Games team and worth giving a shot when you enjoyed Cybernoid back in the days. Also notice that there's a pretty good Cybernoid II free PC remake with a little better graphics by Graham Goring. Maybe you'd like to check that one out as well.

Enjoy this free Windows PC download!

Original screenshot
Cybernoid 3 original screenshot
Original released for
Commodore 64
Atari ST
Amstrad CPC
ZX Spectrum
Amstrad CPC
Commodore Amiga
ZX Spectrum
Commodore Amiga
Atari ST
Commodore 64

Original release date
Back in 1988

Original developer
Hewson Consultants Ltd.

Remake author
SpaceTime Games

997 unique downloads

Gameplay video (Cybernoid 3)
Your vote: Currently rated: 3.2 / 5 stars by 27 gamers.