Remake screenshot(s) Cauldron remake screenshotCauldron remake screenshotCauldron remake screenshot


This Cauldron remake is fun, very hard to play but a bit minimalistic. Much like the original game :) Good thing about Cauldron is that touching critters or pools of burning lava don't instant kill but just hurt until you cannot take the hurting anymore. This allows you to take some risks now and then, which is needed in Cauldron. Enjoy this Windows remake by Musti!

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Original screenshot
Cauldron original screenshot
Original released for
ZX Spectrum
Commodore 64
Amstrad CPC

Original release date
Back in 1985

Original developer
Palace Software

Remake author

3643 unique downloads

Gameplay video (Cauldron)
Your vote: Currently rated: 2.7 / 5 stars by 23 gamers.