Remake screenshot(s) Streets of Rage remake screenshotStreets of Rage remake screenshotStreets of Rage remake screenshot

Streets of Rage PC remake

Streets of Rage is a scrolling beat ‘em up game that was followed by two sequels, the latest one being released in 1994. It represented a popular Sega franchise in the ‘90s, but people quickly forgot about it because no new releases were planned. Side-scrolling beat ‘em ups were not very numerous at the time, so this sequel was propelled to the top and gained appreciation in a short period of time.

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Streets of Rage is a retro game that remains a paramount point of reference in the gaming industry. Hearing the sound effects in the original trilogy will make you get goosebumps all over for sure.

Original screenshot
Streets of Rage original screenshot
Original released for

Original release date
Back in 1991

Original developer

Remake author

902 unique downloads

Gameplay video (Streets of Rage)
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