Remake screenshot(s) Atic Atac remake screenshotAtic Atac remake screenshotAtic Atac remake screenshot

Atic Atac

Atic Atac is a well known ZX Spectrum title by Ultimate. In this action game with its typical screen to screen action, you'll need to collect pieces of a key. This Windows remake was done by Mick Farrow. It's free and an excellent remake. To enjoy this retro classic, just download and start playing!

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Original screenshot
Atic Atac original screenshot
Original released for
BBC Micro
ZX Spectrum

Original release date
Back in 1983

Original developer
Ultimate Play The Game

Remake author
Mick Farrow

4085 unique downloads

Gameplay video (Atic Atac)
Your vote: Currently rated: 3.2 / 5 stars by 121 gamers.